Oppose SB 140

Lawmakers are considering a misguided government mandate called SB 140 that would dramatically increase health care costs for hardworking Indiana families and employers, including directly raising prescription drug costs by imposing a $10.64 tax on many prescriptions filled in our state.

Reject the $10.64 Rx Tax Hike

Too many Indiana patients face challenges with the affordability of their prescription drugs. The burden of paying this new tax would often fall directly on patients – the prescription drug tax alone should make SB 140 unacceptable for our representatives in Indianapolis, but the negative consequences of this legislation don’t stop there.

Small businesses, employees, workers and families depend on affordable health care options. SB 140 would increase health care costs for employers, like small businesses, by banning certain lower-cost pharmacy options when they build health care plans – making it harder for them to grow, compete and offer high-quality, affordable health care benefits.

Many people in our communities, especially seniors or those without reliable transportation, rely on home delivery as a convenient, affordable way to get their prescriptions – helping people routinely take their medicines, stay healthy and save time and money. SB 140 would also take choices away from patients by barring their employers from covering certain pharmacies, such as those that offer home delivery of prescriptions at a lower cost.

Lawmakers Need To Oppose SB 140

Indiana businesses should be able to deliver health care coverage that works best for the unique needs of the people they represent. Politicians should not increase health care costs with unfunded government mandates that would take these options away.

Help stop the $10.64 prescription drug tax hike – and prevent millions of dollars in increased health care costs for Indiana employers, taxpayers and patients by opposing SB 140.