Former U.S. Representative Ryan Costello was on a recent episode of America First with Sebastian Gorka, former deputy assistant to President Trump. During the segment, Costello warned Republicans in Congress to reject the Big Pharma-Big Government “delinking” scheme, especially in an end of year spending package before the Trump Administration takes office in January:
“So, what ‘delinking’ is, is, basically pharmacy benefits managers work with employers, and they set up contracts so that the pharmacy benefits managers negotiate for savings from drug manufacturers. Drug manufacturers want to say, ‘you, pharmacy benefits managers and employers, you’re not allowed to enter into certain contracts, and get these savings, and be compensated and pass those savings on to employees the way you want. You have to do it the way we want, Big Pharma, and the way government tells you to do that.’ The problem is that results in less savings. So right now, pharmacy benefits managers are passing around 98 percent of their savings down to employers. Big Pharma wants to say, ‘well, you can’t do it that way. You can only do it on a dollar basis or per claim.”’
Costello explained why drug companies are the reason why prescriptions are so high in our country:
“Well, because drug manufacturers in the United States of America are able to charge you whatever they want to charge you. So, they pick prices very, very high, and unless there’s other market forces that drive down the cost of drugs, drug manufacturers have unilateral power to charge consumers whatever they want.”
The same drug companies who would see a massive profit boost if “delinking” passes:
“But the problem right now, Dr. Gorka, you just mentioned 32 days ago, and looking forward, we have an absolutely unbelievable, unbelievable chance to turn the country around and bring down prices. Food and, in this case, drugs, pharmaceutical drugs. If we have all of our oars rowing in the same direction. But right now, you have Big Pharma and Bernie Sanders and Democrats looking to jam through a bill which will actually bring another $32 billion in profits of Big Pharma.”
Costello called on conservatives to reject this huge Big Pharma cash grab, especially a month prior to the Trump Administration and Republican Congress taking over.
“Do not bail out Big Pharma. Do not allow for ‘delinking’ to be included in a year end spending package. Don’t jam up President Trump and Republican House and the Republican Senate next year.”
Listen to the full episode HERE.
Learn more about Big Pharma’s multi-billion money grab from seniors HERE.