The GOP Majority in Congress Shouldn’t Cut Deals with Democrats and Big Pharma to Hike Health Care Costs for the American People
Conservative influencers from across the nation are urging lawmakers to stand against Big Pharma and their blatant efforts to line their pockets at the expense of American families. From local Republican county party members to radio talk show hosts and conservative influencers, there’s growing alarm over Big Pharma’s greed and how their schemes to interfere with the private market would hurt working families and small businesses, driving up health care costs and undermining competition.
Former GOP County Party Member John Morrow from Ohio highlights the devastating impact of Big Pharma’s agenda on small businesses and employees nationwide in a recent op-ed:
“A coordinated attack on the private healthcare market is at the heart of this agenda. By targeting pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), advocating for mandated pass-through policies, eliminating market-driven incentives like pay-for-performance, and even taking away options that employers value when it comes to designing their pharmacy benefits, small businesses would lose the ability to design pharmacy benefits that meet the needs of their employees, driving up health care costs while padding drug companies’ pockets–adding an estimated $22 billion in profits for Big Pharma while hiking premiums by $26 billion annually in the commercial health insurance market.
“Make no mistake: this is not about lowering prices or improving care. It’s about power and profits.”
Charlie Kirk, founder and executive director of Turning Point USA and host of the Charlie Kirk show, blasted Big Pharma for sabotaging President Trump’s push to lower drug costs for Americans:

Conservative influencers from across the nation are urging lawmakers stand against President Trump’s agenda by opposing Big Pharma-backed policies:

In a recent episode of The Hugh Hewitt Show, Hewitt reminded his listeners Big Pharma has consistently favored more government intervention in the health care marketplace, to the detriment of American consumers, including by throwing their weight behind Obamacare:
“But Big Pharma always wants more, and Big Pharma, because they’re big, and they throw their weight around in DC, rolled us on Obamacare. And Obamacare has really ruined American health care in many significant ways, whether or not they’ll ever admit it, I don’t know, but it did. Big Pharma got their slice of the pie. Now they want to keep competition low, and they want to keep drug prices too high, even after their patents expire.”
Former FOX Business Network TV host Trish Regan explains how Big Pharma is spending billions on advertising and urging Congress to interfere with the private market on The Trish Regan Show:
“How much money the pharmaceutical, the drug industry, the health industry is giving to all these politicians and it means that we are vulnerable… Big Pharma is setting the prices of drugs…They’ve got all kinds of anti-competition practices, they’re blocking any kind of competition that you could see. so that they can keep their prices artificially high on all these drugs, and they spend billions of dollars on stupid ads. I mean, you want to talk stupid ads, I can’t even watch the news with my family anymore, for goodness sakes because of their dumb ads. All right, they got really dumb ads.
“So, billions of dollars marketing these high-price, brand name drugs that, they’re regulating the price on this stuff. So, you need competition, right? That’s what we need. That’s what we’re about in America, meritocracy and competition. And now they’re out there urging Congress to undermine the incentives, if you would, in the private health care market, that help workers and that help American families get more money for savings on prescription drugs.”
Larry Elder of the Larry Elder Show also recently highlighted Big Pharma’s egregious price hikes, anti-competitive tactics and opposition to the Trump agenda:
“Big Pharma is still threatening to derail the Trump agenda, oppose RFK Jr.’s upcoming reforms, and they want to block competition and keep drug prices too high.
Big Pharma sets the price of drugs, and already this year, they raised the price of more than 575 of them. Their anti-competitive practices block competition so they can keep prices high. And they spend billions of dollars on ads pushing their high-priced brand name drugs on working Americans.”